New Year's resolutions - this week's new recipes - Pan Roasted Cauliflower and Hash Brown Casserole

I always get a ton of satisfaction in the early weeks of the year when I do something that keeps me on track for my New Year's resolutions. I managed to overdeliver on my recipe plan by 2x, with two new dishes this week!

First was Pan-Roasted Cauliflower with Garlic, Parsley and Rosemary from the NY Times Cooking website. My version had cauliflower and broccoli, since we had both in the fridge, and was missing parsley and rosemary, since I didn't have either of those in my spice rack. Ha! Now that I'm writing this, I wonder, does it count as making a new recipe? Maybe it's more like, making a new dish inspired by a recipe?! Still, it came out great, and everyone liked it, including the kids. We paired it with our New Year's Day ham - a pretty big departure from the traditional Green Rice and black eyed peas. For the record, we had the peas, we just forgot to make them! We'll get a second chance on those when we have leftovers later this week.

My second new recipe was another side dish, made to go with the ham and cheese omelettes we had last night. (As an aside, I think there's a reason we only ever make a ham once or twice a year. There are always a TON of leftovers, and I end up with ham fatigue from trying to figure out how to use up all of the leftovers.) This effort was a lot less healthy than the vegetables, but super delicious! I found a hash brown casserole recipe that was about as easy as it gets, and was the ideal side dish to the omelettes.

I found Jill's Hash Brown Casserole on, one of my go-to's when I'm looking for something new and different. It's so easy to sift through multiple recipes for the same dish, looking at reviews and ingredient lists quickly to assess whether it's both tasty and easy to make. This one definitely fell into both categories, and it's one I would definitely make again.
The one thing I would change: the cream of mushroom soup has too specific and distinctive of a flavor for this recipe. I'll substitute cream of celery, cream of chicken, or something less powerful than mushroom next time. I'll also probably double or triple the crushed corn flakes on top. Really, though, it was delicious. I've learned that simple recipes are usually the most forgiving, and that was true with this one. Even though there are things I'd change, it was a family hit without even any mushroom complaints from the kids!

The error I made in shopping for ingredients this week: I bought a bag of hash browns twice as big as I needed for the two planned recipes! (Recipe #2 with hash browns is in the crock pot now, and will show up as week #2's recipe.) Guess I'll be searching for ways to use up the remaining 3 lbs of hash browns in the freezer. DOH!


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