Feeling under the weather

Last week feels a little bit like a lost week. A week ago Thursday, I felt out of sorts, but chalked it up to having been gone for a few days on work travel and then having a frustrating day at work. Come Friday morning, though, not 24 hours after saying "knock on wood, nobody at my house has gotten sick yet," I could tell the out of sorts was thanks to a cold coming on.

I figure I'm pretty lucky it wasn't the fly, but it certainly was "the crud," and I had a croupy cough and head congestion that wouldn't quit I managed to stick it out all day at work, but by late Friday afternoon, all I could think about was going home and crawling under the covers.

The cough and corresponding headache stuck around all weekend long; no real fever, and thankfully enough energy to stay upright and get some things done around the house, but no real improvement, either. The whole weekend went by and on Sunday evening, it was obvious I wouldn't be any good to anyone in the office on Monday, so I sent a few notes out and planned to work from home the next day.

With a chest and head still full of congestion, I alternated working and resting all day, feeling marginally better but definitely not back to full strength. I dragged myself in to work on Tuesday thanks to an all day staff meeting, and by day two of the meeting on Wednesday, sounded a lot less like a frog and a little bit more like me. By Friday, I thought I might be close to recovery, but took one more day on Saturday to take it easy, not pushing myself to do much other than rest and take care of errands and things on the to do list.

Finally, by this past Sunday, I was finally pretty close to normal. I got out for a run for the first time in almost two weeks, enjoying the crisp air as the snow feel along the way, lamenting the slow pace but glad to be back out there. I ended up calling Justin to pick me up on my way back, not because of my cough or the cold, but because of my left knee pain - sadly, that's a pretty good indicator that things are back to normal!

Now, I have a sick son asleep on the couch, having gone down quick yesterday morning while helping Daddy. He was fine, then he complained of a scratchy throat, then the next thing we knew he was laying down and slept for almost six hours. A low grade fever, sore throat and upset stomach have had him out of sorts and not quite himself all weekend. With the terrible stories I've heard from the flu this season, it makes me nervous for anyone in our family to be sick, but thankfully it doesn't seem too serious. I think a day home from school tomorrow should do the trick, and hopefully he'll bounce back in time for his class Valentine's party on Wednesday!


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