Discovering another Classic
I have unexpectedly fallen in love with Ernest Hemingway . As I’m working toward my goal of reading ten classic novels in 2018 previously undiscovered by this fake English major , I picked up A Farewell to Arms while at the library a couple of weeks ago, and finally began reading it last week. I’m sure I’ve read something by Hemingway at some point; there’s a niggling idea in the back of my brain that The Old Man and the Sea was required reading in high school . I also have this just-below-my-conscious-thought idea that I don’t like his style. Given that I can’t remember with confidence whether I’ve actually read any of his works, I think that must be informed by the strong opinions people generally seem to have about his style. As I frequently say, in the absence of information, people make assumptions, and they’re generally negative or bad. In this case, in the absence of information gleaned first-hand, I made the assumption that I wouldn’t like his staccato, almost abrupt w...