
Showing posts from October, 2018

My 1st Door County Century Ride

Not all of my adventures happen a long way from home; Wisconsin has an incredible variety of things to do, and when the weather is nice, Sconnies take advantage of it by planning countless outdoor activities, races, and challenges to attempt. As part of my New Year's resolution to complete four endurance events, I looked for ideas beyond my regular marathon and triathlon endeavors. Long distance bike rides have been a part of my training plans for several years, and I really enjoy cycling as both a workout and an enjoyable way to be outside! Several years ago, I rode in the Tour de Cure in NW Arkansas with friends from work, completing the metric century (100k) distance not long after I completed my first half iron distance triathlon. Googling endurance events in Wisconsin, I found the Door County Century Ride , a long standing event in the beautiful thumb of Wisconsin. I signed up well in advance, as 2018 was the 40th anniversary and it sounded like something I definitely wanted...

Grand Canyon Rim to Rim, Part 4 - the climb out (Bright Angel Trail)

the GRCA GRLS after crossing the Colorado River - Sunday, September 16th, 2018 Sunday morning, the alarm went off... and it was a simultaneous chorus of HOLY MONKEYS MY LEGS AND FEET ARE KILLING ME!! I honestly am not sure how we actually got out of the beds... all of the body was screaming. All of it. Shannon had us all supplied with Motrin, thank goodness, so we rucked up and headed out. NATURALLY! What else would West Point Women do?! First stop was the canteen, where a full, hot and delicious breakfast was ready for us to sit down family style. A little throw back to our cadet days, eating with strangers and shoveling in the food as fast as we could! coffee for energy! Thank goodness Melissa kept pushing us to get going early both days to avoid the heat as much as possible - in fact, we had to use our headlamps on Sunday morning for the first 15-20 minutes or so. Our headlamps had the side benefit of illuminating not just our path but the wildlife, to...

Grand Canyon Rim to Rim, Part 3 - and so it begins (North Kaibab trail)

With that 0430 alarm, and the ensuing energy and movement, spirits were running high! We had the 0530 shuttle from the hotel to get us the 1.5 miles to the trailhead, and just like that, it was time to go. According to my Garmin , it was 41* - I wasn't quite expecting that! Thankfully we'd had some idea of the potential for a cool start, so we were layered up. While it was cold at the top, we knew it would get warmer very quickly as we headed down into the Canyon. After a quick ride, we were at the trailhead along with many other people attempting the same hike. We stepped off at 0546, and the journey began. Sunrise on the North Rim side was absolutely spectacular; the whole thing was almost a spiritual experience, in so many ways.   Coconino overlook at the break of day - September 15, 2018 The first part of the hike was terrific; it was cool and pleasant, we had fresh legs, we knew there was a rest stop not too far ahead, etc. etc. We had a zillion th...