Wonderful start to 2019

I have high hopes - and high expectations - for 2019. I have learned enough at this point in my life to know that I should be wary of putting these hopes and expectations into specific words; instead, I will find the delights in each day, the big and the little, the 365 ahead of us. To that end, I think today was a wonderful way to christen the new beginning of 2019!

I enjoyed my last sleep in of the holiday season before going back to work tomorrow, eventually rolling out of bed around 7:20 so that I could shovel the driveway one more time before heading to church. The snow was surprisingly light and powdery, making it quick work for me and Justin to clear a path for the car.

We swung by John's friend's house where he'd spent the night, and I was pleasantly surprised that he was actually ready on time as we'd instructed him!

When we got to church, I looked over and saw the choir there, and realized I'd forgotten about being there early! I debated for a brief second whether it was too awkward to join them, but figured, I want to sing - who cares about awkward! I've enjoyed getting to know the people in the choir in such a short time, and singing in a choir, too. I figure it's a baby step toward getting to know people and trying to find my place here.

We enjoyed breakfast together after church, then some reading, Rose Parade watching, and puzzle-doing. Step one to spending more time together as a family!
With the six inches of snow yesterday, it was a perfect day for sledding! I took the kids over to the sledding hill, and I got to XC ski. The conditions were SO MUCH BETTER than the bummer of a day on Sunday at Minocqua, and only five minutes from home! I had to cut my own trail, but after getting the hang of it, decided that was a great experience, too. I did a few loops, and being able to use the tracks that I set myself was a very cool experience. I wish I'd taken some pictures, but I also loved just enjoying the shooshing of the skis and the concentrating on the motions. I gotta do something better for the hot spots from my boots, though; the band-aids I preemptively put on didn't stay, and weren't big enough, so I now have a huge sore on the back of my right heel. Ugh!!

I got to read a little bit more while we watched some more football, then around 3:30 starting working on dinner. How is it that a meal as simple as tacos always is so much work?! Admittedly, I wanted to try a couple of new recipes; I have this big bag of masa that I've been trying to figure out how to use, so I made homemade corn tortillas and cheese papusas. Not bad on both counts, but from start to finish, it was more than two hours of cooking just to get everything together and on the table!

We're sitting here watching yet more football while Justin works on the puzzle and John eats dessert, with Caroline just now popping her head upstairs to see about having some dessert. I should probably get up and do the dishes, but then again, I did make dinner. Justin and I have fallen into a routine where one of us cooks, one of us cleans, most of the time. In 2019, one of the kids' new tasks is going to be drying the dishes, so that should be helpful!

Sure enjoyed the winter wonderland today, courtesy of yesterday's snow. Based on the forecast, most of it will be gone by early next week, but I'm so glad that I got out in it today. An hour on skis was an incredible way to spend part of my New Year's Day!
Minocqua on Sunday... Tuesday was much better conditions here in Neenah!!


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